If you can’t make it to Olympia on March 14 for Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day, you can still take action from home! Check our advocacy from home page and take action Friday, since we won’t be holding our regular Coalition meeting. - 3/13/2025
- 1/14/2025
- 10/8/2024
- 8/21/2024
Pierce County has released the results of the 2024 Point in Time Count, which was held on January 26. The numbers show a 23% increase in homelessness compared to the 2023 count, and an 11% increase in the number of people who were unsheltered during the 2024 count - 453 more people unsheltered than last year. You can dig into the PIT Count data on Pierce County's website, including the visually appealing infographic view and a deeper dive into the actual data. - 5/29/2024
The Coalition has presented a letter to the City of Tacoma asking the city to withdraw its support for the Grants Pass v. Johnson case that is set to go before the U.S. Supreme Court on April 22. You can read the letter here. We are also offering an opportunity for people to sign on to the letter to the city through this form. The News Tribune wrote an article about this on April 15 (City of Tacoma criticized for taking sides in Supreme Court case over public camping laws), in which the City stated that now the city is not taking a position on the issue to be addressed in the legal case. - 3/27/2024
- 2/23/2024
Find out what folks Need or can Share for inclement weather response, or add your own Need and Share items here. - 10/11/2023
A University of Washington professor and author offers a compelling analysis of the root causes of homelessness in our region in this video clip. - 8/7/2023
Thank you to Michael Torres from Clark County Communty Services for sharing his time and overview of how Clark County's homelessness response system is designed and works during the Aug. 4 Coalition meeting. You can watch the replay of that portion of the meeting here. - 8/7/2023
Pierce County has published the results of the 2023 Point in Time Count. Check the website for an explanation of the information, and then look at the infographic and data sheet. - 5/12/2023
- 1/24/2023
- 1/14/2023
- 1/4/2023
Tacoma Tent News - hot weather edition - is now available. - 7/26/2022
Listen in to a fairly substantial piece by KUOW on safe parking in King and Pierce Counties. - 7/1/2022
The Coalition continues to send out this formal letter about sweeps. - 6/17/2022
Issue three of Tacoma Tent News is now available. - 5/6/2022
Some recent media coverage around Safe Parking: The News Tribune video of participant stories, an opinion piece by Matt Driscoll and Q13 coverage of the safe parking ordinance veto. - 5/2/2022
The Coalition sent the County Executive a formal letter supporting safe parking. - 4/22/2022
A new issue of Tacoma Tent News is now available. - 3/23/2022
Some coverage by King 5 of the new Comprehensive Plan to End Homelessness - with comments by our own Theresa Power-Drutis - 3/22/2022
The first issue of Tacoma Tent News - a new resource from Richard Dorsett - hit the streets - 3/16/2022
Listen to the KIRO 5 Interview discussing sweeps with Coalition members Theresa Power-Drutis and Monique Brown. - 3/9/2022
The League of Women Voters hosted a Panel discussion a titled Housing Solutions: Lessons from our Neighbors to the North. Watch the recording here. - 3/4/2022
Watch Tacomaprobono's presentation on new tenant protections, view the powerpoint, or look over the handouts. - 1/14/2022
County Executive Dammeier voiced appreciation for the Coalition in his most recent blog post - 1/3/2022
King 5 interviewed Maureen Howard and John Barbee to highlight the LIHI Comfort Inn shelter soon scheduled to open in early December. - 11/23/2021
Living in your car, or have a client living in their car? The Northwest Justice Project published a Living in My Car (or truck, RV, or other vehicle) : Do I have any rights? quick reference. - 10/22/2021
The Coalition sent the Tacoma City Council a formal letter about sweeps. - 10/18/2021
The Coalition sent a letter to the City of Tacoma expressing concerns with the coming sweep at 8th and Yakima. - 9/20/2021
Disability Rights Washington is petitioning the State Legislature to retain the option of remote advocacy. Learn more about this effort and sign on as yourself or your organization on the on-line petition to Maintain Remote Testamony. - 8/17/2021
On Tuesday night, the Coalition received Mayor Woodard's Compassionate Tacoma Award- as highlighted in today's Tacoma News Tribune Editorial. - 8/11/2021
The Coalition sent a letter to the Tacoma City Council formally supporting Home in Tacoma. - 7/13/2021
The Coalition wrote a letter to Governor Inslee in support of extending the eviction moratorium. - 6/22/2021
The Coalition sent a formal letter to the City of Tacoma requesting that the proposed 69th and S Proctor site be an expansion of shelter capacity, with the existing 60th and McKinley site remaining an operational shelter instead of relocating it to the new site. - 6/21/2021
Are you an outreach worker or experiencing homelessness? Fill out a 5 minute survey to identify strengths, challenges, barriers, gaps and recommendations for improvement in providing care and services to persons living unsheltered in Pierce County. - 6/17/2021
A letter to the Washington State Department of Commerce to make the Rapid Capital Housing Acquisition Program more accessible to Counties with limited matching funds. - 6/7/2021
The Coaliton is pleased to announce we received a $25k grant from All in Washington to support vaccine efforts for people experiencing homelessness. More information on the Official Grant Announcement. - 6/1/2021
Looking for free transportation to a vaccine? You are in luck. Pierce Transit is offering free rides to vaccine clinics. Outside the Pierce Transit service area? Use Find a Ride to identify other free options. - 5/3/2021
A letter to the County Council and Sheriff Ed Troyer detailing concerns with the Pierce County Sheriff initiating an escalated law enforcement response when none was needed. - 4/22/2021
The Coalition drafted a letter to the Tacoma City Council and City Staff requesting the City pull the camping ban ordinance until there are safe sites for all. - 4/16/2021
A very encouraging proposed ARPA Spending Plan from the County. - 4/15/2021
With new ARPA funding from the Federal Government, the Coalition developed some ARPA Spending Priorities. - 4/12/2021
The effort to make shelter available for all by November 1st of this year, the Coalition issues this Statement of Encampments to guide the creation of additional shelter space. - 4/12/2021
Head to the County's Ad Hoc Committee Website to stay current on the plan end to homelessness and develop safe shelter for all by November 1st. - 4/8/2021
Document Recording Fees are a great way to fund homeless programs. Have you organization sign on here to support increasing this valuable resource. - 4/8/2021
Last night the Pierce County Council passed a resolution to create shelter for all people experiencing homelessness by November 1st - and develop a longterm plan to end homelessess. - 3/24/2021
At our March 12th Coalition Meeting, Slim provided great testimony about his experiences with homelessness. Watch the video here. - 3/19/2021
Staff and volunteers who work at homeless and domestic violence shelters for Phase 1b Tier 2 are eligible for vaccines starting today. The Phase Finder tool to determine eligibility has been updated to reflect this. - 3/17/2021
A big thank you to Metro Parks for welcoming warming shelters in their community centers this winter. Lives were saved. - 3/8/2021
The Coalition signed on in support of funding for shelter and affordable housing in the State Capital budget - and you can sign on too. - 2/24/2021
The Coalition Signed on to a Letter of Support for Arlignton Drive Funding. - 2/12/2021
Coalition Letter to City of Tacoma Mayor and Council supporing Affordable Housing Sales Tax - 2/4/2021
Coalition sent Letter of Concern regarding Temporary Care Center - 1/29/2021
Safe Shelter Summit II: Taking Action - recordings posted.
- 1/29/2021
Use this one-pager to encourage the Pierce County Council and County Executive to allow the creation of tiny home villages in unincorporated Pierce County ahead of the Aug. 20, 2024 Council consideration. -