Pierce County Homeless Service Sites

View information about overnight shelters, day centers, and coordinated entry access points. filter by active or inactive programs. This list is all known shelters, including those that are not formally published on the Coalition Shelter pages.

Filter By: Facility Type:     Facility Status:
Facility Name Status Type Address Website Phone Admission Normal Unit Count Current Unit Use Current Bed Use
Adams Street Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter Undisclosed https://www.trm.org/emergency-services/ 253-592-6401 Phone 35 31 91
Bethlehem Baptist Family Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter 4818 E Portland Ave, Tacoma, WA 98404 https://www.bethlehembaptisttacoma.org/ 253-475-4173 Referral Only 18 13 28
Brotherhood RISE Freedom Project Operational Overnight Shelter S 23rd and MLK https://www.risecenterofhilltop.org/ (253) 267-1383 Unknown 16 16 29
CCS Safe Parking Operational Overnight Shelter 520 S 30th St, Tacoma, WA 98402 ccsww.org 253-719-9333 Unknown 20 19 30
Family Renewal Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter Undisclosed
Forging Paths Community - Mitigation Site Operational Overnight Shelter 3561 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA https://www.trm.org/ 253-921-2266 Referral Only 113 109 111
Give Me a Chance (GMAC) Family Shelter - Altheimer Memorial Church Operational Overnight Shelter 1121 S Altheimer St, Tacoma, WA 98405 253-572-6751 Referral Only 11 8 23
Harbor Hope Center Operational Overnight Shelter 3781 Rosedale St NW, Gig Harbor WA 98335 http://www.harborhopecenter.org/ 1-844-841-1954 Unknown 12 5 5
Helping Hand House Emergency Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter Local Motel/ Puyallup area https://helpinghandhouse.org/ 253-307-2274 Referral Only 2 1 6
Korean Women's Association - We Are Family (WAF) Home Domestic Violence Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter Confidential https://www.kwacares.org/our-services/domestic-violence-assistance/ 253-359-0470 Referral Only 7 7 31
LASA Family Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter Referral Only 3 3 12
LIHI Village at 6th and Orchard Operational Overnight Shelter 602 N Orchard St, Tacoma, WA 98406 https://lihi.org/ 206-496-2749 Referral Only 40 39 52
Nativity House Shelter Operational Day Center, Overnight Shelter, Coordinated Entry 702 S 14th St, Tacoma, WA 98405 https://ccsww.org/get-help/housing/permanent-housing/nativity-house-apartments/nativity-house-day-shelter/ 253-502-2780 Referral Only 167 167 177
Next Chapter Pregnant and Single Mothers Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter 7031 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA 98408 https://www.nextchapterwa.org/ 253-475-5516 Phone 8 8 28
Open Hearth Emergency Motel Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter Local Motel/ Puyallup area https://helpinghandhouse.org/ 253-307-2274 Referral Only 4 4 13
Puyallup Tribe Tiny House Village Operational Overnight Shelter 2027 E Wright Ave, Tacoma, WA 98404 https://lihi.org/puyallup-tribe-village/ Referral Only 34 33 31
Roosevelt Barracks Crisis Residential Center Operational Overnight Shelter 1301 Orting Kapowsin Hwy E, Orting, WA 98360 https://www.dva.wa.gov/ 253-263-0735 Phone 62 62 62
Safe Parking Operational Overnight Shelter https://www.tnhrc.org 253-346-6482 Phone 34 32 36
Shiloh Emergency Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter 1211 S I St, Tacoma, WA 98405 https://shilohoftacoma.org/ 253-503-1033 Walk-up 40 37 40
Stability Site Operational Overnight Shelter 1423 Puyallup Ave, Tacoma, WA https://ccsww.org/get-help/pierce-county/ 253-307-7517 Referral Only 58 58 54
Tacoma Rescue Mission Men's Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter, Coordinated Entry 425 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98402 http://www.trm.org/ 253-383-4493 Referral Only 90 89 122
Tacoma Rescue Mission Women's Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter 425 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98402 http://www.trm.org/ 253-383-4493 Walk-up 54 53 58
Tacoma Salvation Army - Family Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter 1501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98405 https://tacoma.salvationarmy.org/ 253-572-8452 Referral Only 8 7 30
Tacoma Salvation Army - Single Adults Operational Overnight Shelter 1501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98405 https://tacoma.salvationarmy.org/ 253-572-8452 Referral Only 10 9 10
The Beacon Center Young Adult Shelter Operational Day Center, Overnight Shelter 415 S 13th St, Tacoma, WA 98402 valeovocation.org 253.778.0317 Walk-up 50 40 42
The Loft Operational Overnight Shelter 1424 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma, WA 98402 https://thecoffeeoasis.com/ 253-328-6127 Walk-up 12 11 3
Valeo Vocation Expanded Seasonal Warming Shelter Operational Day Center, Overnight Shelter 813 MLK JR WAY Tacoma, Washington 98405 https://www.valeovocation.org/ Unknown
YWCA Support Shelter Operational Overnight Shelter Confidential Referral Only 23 23 55
Total 931 884 1179